Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Psoriasis Can Be Tackled - With Yoga!

                                                                                                                                                                      You don’t need expensive ointments, creams and moisturizers to take care of your skin. You too can regain the skin health you lost to the ravages of Psoriasis. While there is no outright cure for this particular skin disease, you can use the healing power of Yoga to gain control over the symptoms like itchiness, red patches and scaling which are commonly associated with Psoriasis.

While Yoga is usually associated with musculoskeletal health, you may be surprised to learn that it can be used to effectively combat skin disease like Psoriasis. Regular practice of Yogasana, Pranayama and Mudra can not only protect your overall health but also minimize the impact of stress. This can help you step out of the vicious cycle of Psoriasis flare-ups and increased stress. Thus, the path of Yoga will take you away from sickness and stress while pointing the way to a healthy and fulfilling life.

How Yoga can fight Psoriasis?

1. Helps control stress: Psoriasis can be a terribly stressful disease. The constant discomfort along with ugly symptoms can take a toll on your mental health. With the help of Yoga, you can regain your mental calmness. This will reduce the impact of stress on the symptoms of Psoriasis.

2. Combats inflammation: The intense inflammation arising from the adverse autoimmune reaction is primarily responsible for the occurrence of Psoriasis. Studies have shown that people who practise Yoga regularly have better control over the level of inflammation. Yoga can help to moderate the activity of the immune system and reduce Psoriasis flare-ups.

3. Stimulates the mind and body: People don’t realize that the mind is often unprepared to undertake the prolonged fight against a particular disease. Thus, many people tend to give up hope while there is still a fighting chance. Yoga practice rejuvenates your mind and body, giving you the strength you need to fight Psoriasis.

Yoga for Psoriasis

1. Bhujangasana: Also known as ‘Cobra pose’, this Asana is the premier weapon in fighting stress and reducing Psoriasis flare-ups. Regular practice of this Asana tones the muscles in the arms, shoulders and the back. It also improves blood circulation, especially to the skin while reducing fatigue and enhancing stamina.

2. Sheetali Pranayama: Praised in classical Yogic texts like the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, this Pranayama is famed for its ability to regain youth and charm which may have been lost to disease or old age. Its potent cooling effect brings some relief from the irritation caused by Psoriasis and may help to minimize autoimmune inflammation in the skin.

3. Yoga Mudra: A Mudra is a symbolic gesture made using the fingers help you calm down. Yoga Mudra is designed to initiate and maintain mental balance. This would be highly beneficial if you are feeling stressed due to Psoriasis.

By Khalid Md. Saifullah

Note: Being at the forefront of treating chronic diseases, Naturoveda Health World utilises the unique combination of Fundamentals of Ayurveda, Unani and Therapeutic Yoga. These time-tested procedures not just tackle the symptoms, but also eradicate the root cause of the disease. The Naturovedic treatment is completely safe, highly effective and pocket-friendly as well. To contact Naturoveda, call on 1800 258 6666 (Toll free) or WhatsApp at +91 96744 26666.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Everyone
    It's easy to think of psoriasis as just a "skin condition." But psoriasis actually starts underneath the skin. It is a chronic (long-lasting) disease of the immune system that can range from mild to severe.Like most chronic illnesses, psoriasis may be associated with other health conditions such as psoriatic arthritis, Type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.To know more you can take a peek at-Dead Sea Salt Psoriasis Cream

