After a hard day’s work, you finally get the time to get a good look at yourself in the mirror. And what do you find? Grim and grey circles under your eyes. They not only make you look older than you are, they are also the signs of an imbalanced lifestyle. Too much work and not enough rest can often result in dark circles.
Why do dark circles occur?
All throughout your skin, there are blood vessels called capillaries. These are thin and delicate, compared to veins and arteries. At times, blood corpuscles may leak out of the thin capillary walls, making the skin above them a little discoloured. Gradually, the areas of discolouration spread out due to chronic skin damage, thus giving rise to dark circles.
5 bad habits which worsen dark circles
The risk of developing dark circles is partly genetic. While you may want to comfort yourself by blaming your genes, your daily activities may be making the circles worse than they already are. By knowing about these habits, you can control the damage being done to your skin, which in turn will help in getting rid of dark circles once and for all.
1. Not using sunscreen regularly: The skin around the eyes is particularly vulnerable to damage caused by harmful UV radiation present in sunlight. Chronic exposure to strong sunlight can speed up the formation of dark circles. However, many people are not ready to use a potent sunscreen on a daily basis.
2. Inadequate sleep: It is common knowledge that dark circles are a sign that you are not getting enough sleep. Researchers have found that this is mostly true. Lack of sleep forces the tiny capillaries under the skin to become dilated, leading to appearance of blemished or discoloured skin below the eyes. To avoid sleep-induced dark circles, try to get around 8 hours of sleep every night.
3. Forcefully removing makeup: When the time comes to remove the makeup you had so carefully applied, the gloves come off! Many women simply try to scrub off the makeup or eyeliner with a dry cloth. This hurts the delicate skin around the eyes and speeds up the formation of dark circles. You should use a dedicated makeup removing cleansing oil to gently remove cosmetics.
4. Applying hot water on face: There is a common bad habit among people: washing their face with hot water. This makes the skin look puffy and worsen dark circles. If you want to wash your face, make sure you use only lukewarm water.
5. Doing heavy visual work: Staring at a computer screen for several hours at a stretch 6 days a week is a recipe for dark circles. If you have to undertake vision-intensive work, remember to take at least 10 minutes off for every hour of work.
By Khalid Md. Saifullah
Naturoveda Health World
Note: Being at the forefront of treating chronic diseases, Naturoveda Health World utilises the unique combination of Fundamentals of Ayurveda, Unani and Therapeutic Yoga. These time-tested procedures not just tackle the symptoms, but also eradicate the root cause of the disease. The Naturovedic treatment is completely safe, highly effective and pocket-friendly as well. To contact Naturoveda, call on 1800 258 6666 (Toll free) or WhatsApp at +91 96744 26666.
Why do dark circles occur?
All throughout your skin, there are blood vessels called capillaries. These are thin and delicate, compared to veins and arteries. At times, blood corpuscles may leak out of the thin capillary walls, making the skin above them a little discoloured. Gradually, the areas of discolouration spread out due to chronic skin damage, thus giving rise to dark circles.
5 bad habits which worsen dark circles
The risk of developing dark circles is partly genetic. While you may want to comfort yourself by blaming your genes, your daily activities may be making the circles worse than they already are. By knowing about these habits, you can control the damage being done to your skin, which in turn will help in getting rid of dark circles once and for all.
1. Not using sunscreen regularly: The skin around the eyes is particularly vulnerable to damage caused by harmful UV radiation present in sunlight. Chronic exposure to strong sunlight can speed up the formation of dark circles. However, many people are not ready to use a potent sunscreen on a daily basis.
2. Inadequate sleep: It is common knowledge that dark circles are a sign that you are not getting enough sleep. Researchers have found that this is mostly true. Lack of sleep forces the tiny capillaries under the skin to become dilated, leading to appearance of blemished or discoloured skin below the eyes. To avoid sleep-induced dark circles, try to get around 8 hours of sleep every night.
3. Forcefully removing makeup: When the time comes to remove the makeup you had so carefully applied, the gloves come off! Many women simply try to scrub off the makeup or eyeliner with a dry cloth. This hurts the delicate skin around the eyes and speeds up the formation of dark circles. You should use a dedicated makeup removing cleansing oil to gently remove cosmetics.
4. Applying hot water on face: There is a common bad habit among people: washing their face with hot water. This makes the skin look puffy and worsen dark circles. If you want to wash your face, make sure you use only lukewarm water.
5. Doing heavy visual work: Staring at a computer screen for several hours at a stretch 6 days a week is a recipe for dark circles. If you have to undertake vision-intensive work, remember to take at least 10 minutes off for every hour of work.
By Khalid Md. Saifullah
Naturoveda Health World
Note: Being at the forefront of treating chronic diseases, Naturoveda Health World utilises the unique combination of Fundamentals of Ayurveda, Unani and Therapeutic Yoga. These time-tested procedures not just tackle the symptoms, but also eradicate the root cause of the disease. The Naturovedic treatment is completely safe, highly effective and pocket-friendly as well. To contact Naturoveda, call on 1800 258 6666 (Toll free) or WhatsApp at +91 96744 26666.