Saturday, 28 January 2017

What Makes Dark Circles Worse?

                                                                                                                                                                                  After a hard day’s work, you finally get the time to get a good look at yourself in the mirror. And what do you find? Grim and grey circles under your eyes. They not only make you look older than you are, they are also the signs of an imbalanced lifestyle. Too much work and not enough rest can often result in dark circles.

Why do dark circles occur?

All throughout your skin, there are blood vessels called capillaries. These are thin and delicate, compared to veins and arteries. At times, blood corpuscles may leak out of the thin capillary walls, making the skin above them a little discoloured. Gradually, the areas of discolouration spread out due to chronic skin damage, thus giving rise to dark circles.  
5 bad habits which worsen dark circles

The risk of developing dark circles is partly genetic. While you may want to comfort yourself by blaming your genes, your daily activities may be making the circles worse than they already are. By knowing about these habits, you can control the damage being done to your skin, which in turn will help in getting rid of dark circles once and for all. 

1. Not using sunscreen regularly: The skin around the eyes is particularly vulnerable to damage caused by harmful UV radiation present in sunlight. Chronic exposure to strong sunlight can speed up the formation of dark circles. However, many people are not ready to use a potent sunscreen on a daily basis. 

2. Inadequate sleep: It is common knowledge that dark circles are a sign that you are not getting enough sleep. Researchers have found that this is mostly true. Lack of sleep forces the tiny capillaries under the skin to become dilated, leading to appearance of blemished or discoloured skin below the eyes. To avoid sleep-induced dark circles, try to get around 8 hours of sleep every night. 

3. Forcefully removing makeup: When the time comes to remove the makeup you had so carefully applied, the gloves come off! Many women simply try to scrub off the makeup or eyeliner with a dry cloth. This hurts the delicate skin around the eyes and speeds up the formation of dark circles. You should use a dedicated makeup removing cleansing oil to gently remove cosmetics. 

4. Applying hot water on face: There is a common bad habit among people: washing their face with hot water. This makes the skin look puffy and worsen dark circles. If you want to wash your face, make sure you use only lukewarm water. 

5. Doing heavy visual work: Staring at a computer screen for several hours at a stretch 6 days a week is a recipe for dark circles. If you have to undertake vision-intensive work, remember to take at least 10 minutes off for every hour of work. 

By Khalid Md. Saifullah
Naturoveda Health World

Note: Being at the forefront of treating chronic diseases, Naturoveda Health World utilises the unique combination of Fundamentals of Ayurveda, Unani and Therapeutic Yoga. These time-tested procedures not just tackle the symptoms, but also eradicate the root cause of the disease. The Naturovedic treatment is completely safe, highly effective and pocket-friendly as well. To contact Naturoveda, call on 1800 258 6666 (Toll free) or WhatsApp at +91 96744 26666.

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Home Remedies For Enhanced Immunity

                                                                                                                                                                                 A weak immunity can lead to lifelong suffering. Changes in the season, exposure to foreign particles and microbes are so commonplace that you need an adequate immune system in order to stay healthy. People suffering from immunodeficiency are unable to fight germs and as a result suffer from frequent sickness, allergies, fatigue, delayed growth and a severely restricted lifestyle. 

One of the simplest ways to regain a strong and alert immunity is try out traditional home remedies. The ingredients used to prepare these herbal preparations are available in your kitchen. You can make and consume these remedies in the comfort of your home. With the help of these home remedies, you can ensure proper functioning of your immunity and lead a life free from ill-health. 

Home remedies for a better immunity

1. Green tea: Researchers have found that drinking 3 cups of green tea every day helps to reduce the risk of having problem with your immunity. Moreover, regular consumption of green tea can also reduce the risk of infection and enhance general health. 

• Take 1 teaspoon of green tea in a teapot.
• Pour 1 cup of hot water into it.
• Leave the mixture for about 2 minutes.
• Strain the mixture and remove the residue.
• Drink this thrice a day.

2. Yogurt: It is a known probiotic which is one of the most recommended home remedies for the problem of low immunity. Yogurt helps in the proper functioning of the beneficial microbes in the gut, which in turn strengthens the immune system.   

• Take 1 cup of plain unsweetened yogurt.
• Add finely chopped pieces of bananas and apples in it and then mix well. 
• Eat this in the morning during breakfast every day. 

3. Lemon: It contains high concentration of vitamin C which plays a vital role in regulating your immunity. Vitamin C helps the white blood cells function properly, thus increasing immune alertness and speed of reaction. Moreover, the acidic nature of lemon helps to remove residual toxins from the body.

• Put 1 tablespoon of lemon juice into a glass of lukewarm water.
• Add 1 teaspoon of honey and stir well.
• Drink it on an empty stomach every morning. 

4. Walnuts: These easily available nuts are a rich source of vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids, both of which help the body fight infection and maintain overall health. Moreover, vitamin E is known to keep a tight leash on the immune system, thus reducing the risk of an adverse autoimmune reaction.

• Boil a glass of plain, unsweetened milk.
• Crush three walnuts and add them to the milk.
• Boil for 2 minutes.
• Drink it every morning. 

5. Ginger: Ancient Ayurvedic texts bear testament to the health-boosting properties in ginger. Modern research has confirmed the fact that regular consumption of ginger moderates immune function, reduces the risk of infection and improves blood circulation throughout the body. 

• Shred a small ginger and put the pieces in a cup of boiling water.
• Heat it for 10 minutes.
• Strain and remove the residue.
• Add a little honey and lemon juice.
• Stir well.
• Drink it twice a day. 

By Khalid Md. Saifullah
Naturoveda Health World

Note: Being at the forefront of treating chronic diseases, Naturoveda Health World utilises the unique combination of Fundamentals of Ayurveda, Unani and Therapeutic Yoga. These time-tested procedures not just tackle the symptoms, but also eradicate the root cause of the disease. The Naturovedic treatment is completely safe, highly effective and pocket-friendly as well. To contact Naturoveda, call on 1800 258 6666 (Toll free) or WhatsApp at +91 96744 26666.

Saturday, 21 January 2017

Recharge Your Immunity With Yoga!

                                                                                                                                                                              The changing seasons are a delight for the senses but a hidden threat to your health. Various chronic health problems like common cold, cough can rear their ugly head during such time. While they are usually not deadly, no disease should be treated lightly. In such a situation, the alertness, strength and functioning of your immune system become all-the-more crucial.

While we all have immunity, it does not work properly at all times. When it fails, diseases begin to affect our health. Moreover, an overactive immunity is as debilitating as an inactive immune system. If you want to achieve and maintain optimal health, you need a balanced immunity that can target and destroy foreign particles, while leaving healthy cells untouched.

Do you want to know how to maintain this delicate balance?

Yoga and immunity

The ancient discipline of Yoga is a system of controlled use of both the mind and the body. Yogic teachings have been passed down through generations of experienced teachers and eager students. In modern-day India, this venerable tradition of mind-body discipline is flourishing. The latest scientific research is confirming the grand declarations of the ancient master: Yoga holds the key to a healthy and disease-free life.

Parts of Yoga

The proper practice of Yoga involves three interlocking parts:

1. Yogasana: These are postures which put the various parts of the body in specific positions. If practised correctly, Asanas can increase muscular strength and flexibility while increasing blood circulation throughout the body. This helps the immune system to target and eliminate toxic residues no matter where they are hiding. Moreover, the increased blood circulation provides a fresh supply of oxygen and nutrients to all the cells. 

2. Pranayama: These are breathing exercises that help to increase oxygen supply to the body. This rejuvenates the biological process like the immune system while helping you to become relaxed and alert.

3. Mudra: They are symbolic gestures made using the hands. According to ancient texts like the Gheranda Samhita, these ritualistic finger positions help you to focus your mind and get rid of worries about your health. Mudras prepare you for an extended period of meditation and are highly effective in reducing stress. 

Yoga for enhanced immunity

1. Ushtrasana: This Yogasana helps to gently stretch the large muscle groups in the upper and lower body. By boosting blood circulation and relieving muscular tension, this Asana improves physical health, speeds up repair-work of the cells and increases immune alertness. 

2. Anuloma Viloma Pranayama: This is a standard Pranayama which is often practised in Hatha Yoga. It helps to moderate the functioning of the immune system by reducing the tendency towards either hyperactivity or prolonged inactivity. This Pranayama is an excellent way to harmonise the various biological processes in the body and ensure overall health. 

3. Vipareet Karani Mudra: This is an important inverted Mudra. It helps to improve digestion and creates balance in the functioning of the various abdominal organs like the liver and pancreas. This in turn has a moderating effect on the immune system.   

By Khalid Md. Saifullah
Naturoveda Health World

Note: Being at the forefront of treating chronic diseases, Naturoveda Health World utilises the unique combination of Fundamentals of Ayurveda, Unani and Therapeutic Yoga. These time-tested procedures not just tackle the symptoms, but also eradicate the root cause of the disease. The Naturovedic treatment is completely safe, highly effective and pocket-friendly as well. To contact Naturoveda, call on 1800 258 6666 (Toll free) or WhatsApp at +91 96744 26666.

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Enhance Immunity Naturally – Find Out How!

                                                                                                                                                                                  All you need for a better immunity is already in your kitchen!

There is no doubt that what you eat has an enormous influence on your health. While eating the right foods on a regular basis can improve and maintain your health, eating the wrong ones can turn your body into a breeding ground of disease.

Similarly, your immune power depends on your daily diet in order to function normally. A strong immunity is vital for fighting off diseases and staying healthy. Thus, your immunity is the pillar of your overall health and lifestyle.

Today, let’s talk about some easily available foods which help to enhance immunity power. If you are vulnerable to health problems or if you want your immunity to work better, then you can include these foods in your daily diet.

5 foods for better immunity

1. Orange: This fruit is rich in vitamin C, which is needed in the production of disease-fighting white blood cells (also called leukocytes). Eating oranges every day helps your body produce and maintain an adequate contingent of leukocytes, thus greatly reducing the risk of becoming ill.

2. Garlic: No Indian kitchen is complete without garlic. This spice enhances flavour and improves immunity. Garlic’s immune-boosting capacity comes from a compound called Allicin. Garlic helps to fight residual toxins in organs, moderates blood pressure and kills parasitic organisms hiding in the body.

3. Spinach: This vegetable is packed with vitamin C along with powerful antioxidants, both of which work together to increase immune alertness. Try not to overcook spinach as excessive heat is known to decrease its nutrient content.

4. Yogurt: While yogurt is known to be good for bones, few people know just how important it is for maintaining a healthy immunity. Yogurt is a probiotic, which helps to keep the population of useful micro-organisms in your abdomen healthy. This in turn stimulates the immune system to fight foreign bodies like pathogens. Yogurt is rich in vitamin D which helps the body in regulating the daily functioning of the immune system.

5. Almonds: Among the various vitamins and minerals needed by your immunity, it is vitamin E which holds the key to a smoothly functioning immune system. While you can always take a pill, almonds have the right balance of vitamin E and soluble fat, which helps the body to quickly absorb this vitamin. Just a handful of almonds each day is enough to keep your immunity ticking nicely for the long run.

Can herbs boost immunity?

While eating these foods can improve immunity, they cannot deal with problems which affect the immune system. You immune system needs to maintain a fine balance for it to work normally. Immune disorders destabilize the functioning of your immunity, thus making you vulnerable to disease, infection and ill health. Moreover, a hyperactive immunity can become a deadly burden, destroying healthy tissue and damaging organs, leading to severely reduced mobility and, in some cases, even death.

In order to maintain a balanced immune system which works harmoniously with the rest of the body, you need the power of traditional herbs like Kalonji. With the help of this ancient herb, you can enjoy a fulfilling life filled with good health and free from health issues.

How Kalonji keeps you healthy

Also known by its scientific name Nigella Sativa, Kalonji contains over 100 nutrients, all of which work together to ensure proper immune function as well as optimal health.

Chemical analysis of Kalonji has found the presence of potent carbohydrates, phosphates, iron along with antibiotics which excel in controlling infection by killing germs. The carotene compound found in Kalonji has been proven to be a powerful anti-carcinogen. The latest clinical research has found that Kalonji helps to moderate immune function, thus reducing the risk of immunodeficiency as well as immune hypersensitivity or autoimmune inflammation.

The health-promoting potency of Kalonji has been endorsed by none other than Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who said that Kalonji alone has “the power to treat all ailments except death”.

Now, the power of Kalonji is finally available in a concentrated and easy-to-use package: Sehat Amrit.

What is Sehat Amrit?

Coming from the renowned house of Naturoveda Organics, Sehat Amrit is undoubtedly one of the most potent preparations of Kalonji available today. Unlike in other formulations, Sehat Amrit uses only ‘virgin’ quality of Kalonji seeds, meaning that the oil is extracted from the seeds after pressing only once. This means that you get nothing other than the finest quality and highest concentration of Kalonji oil. This makes Sehat Amrit a unique Unani medicine of matchless efficacy.

Moreover, Sehat Amrit has been given the seal of approval from the Drug Control of India.

Which problems can Sehat Amrit solve?

Sehat Amrit is highly useful in the treatment of:

· Immune disorders
· Diabetes
· Abnormal blood pressure
· Heart disease
· Sexual inadequacies
· Skin diseases
· Migraine
· Menstrual abnormalities
· Jaundice
· Piles

Sehat Amrit is not an ordinary medicine. It boosts the body’s innate ability to fight off disease and maintain general health. This means that there is no limit to the applicability of Sehat Amrit. Moreover, the latest research has shown that Kalonji can be used to prevent or fight cancer.  

Where is it available?

Sehat Amrit is available in all branches of Naturoveda Health World located in Kolkata and Howrah.

By Khalid Md. Saifullah

Note: Being at the forefront of treating chronic diseases, Naturoveda Health World utilises the unique combination of Fundamentals of Ayurveda, Unani and Therapeutic Yoga. These time-tested procedures not just tackle the symptoms, but also eradicate the root cause of the disease. The Naturovedic treatment is completely safe, highly effective and pocket-friendly as well. To contact Naturoveda, call on 1800 258 6666 (Toll free) or WhatsApp at +91 96744 26666.

Saturday, 14 January 2017

Immunity – How Vital It Is For Your Health

                                                                                                                                                                                  We realize how valuable something is, only when we lose it.

This can be seen throughout the world. No matter what it may be: money or relationships, it is only when we lose access to them that we begin to realize their importance. This tendency is perhaps most visible in the matter of personal health. All it takes are a few hours spent in bed due to common cold or stomach pain – that’s when we realize what a blessing it is to have a decent health.

Staying healthy is a tricky business. Your body is bombarded with foreign particles every minute of the day. Germs can sneak into your body through your various bodily orifices and cause havoc. The only thing stopping such threats is your immunity, which is the product of your immune system.

What is immunity?

Immunity is a characteristic in living organisms which defends the body’s own cells from foreign particles. Having adequate immunity is a state of balance, a hyperactive immunity leads to allergies and autoimmune reaction while inadequate immunity greatly increases the risk of infection and ill health. Immunity is found in most known organisms. Even single-celled bacteria have enzymes which protect them from bacteriophages. In higher mammals like human beings, immunity is a multi-level and complex faculty involving many enzymes, organs and specialized cells.   

Types of immunity

1. Innate immunity: This is the most basic kind of protection offered by the immune system. Innate immunity seeks out and destroys harmful microorganisms. This kind of immunity is non-specific, which targets a specific set of germs based on common characteristics. This makes it effective against a wide range of pathogens. 

2. Adaptive immunity: Part of the immune system is capable of learning from germs it is encountered for the first time. It develops a naturally acquired immunity to such pathogens. This aspect of human immunity can be further bolstered by Artificially Acquired Immunity, through the use of vaccination. Adaptive immunity works best against specific germs.

First reaction to a germ

One of the first responses of your immunity upon encountering a pathogen is called Inflammation. This reaction causes redness, swelling and produces heat. At times, inflammation also causes pain. Blood supply to the affected region increases dramatically due to inflammation. This allows disease-fighting white blood cells to surround the area and destroy germ particles. 

Problems with immunity

When the immune system begins to function abnormally, such a situation leads to immune disorders. These are essentially of 3 types:

1. Immunodeficiencies: When parts of your immunity become inactive for long periods, it is called immunodeficiency. Your immune system is not able to fight infection as it could earlier. This greatly increases the risk of ill health. Usually, this condition is seen among young children and the elderly.

2. Autoimmunity: An overactive immunity can also be called dysfunctional. In such a situation, your immune system begins to attack and destroy the body’s own healthy cells. Genetic and environmental factors are highly influential in increasing the risk of an autoimmune reaction. This kind of dysfunction can cause enormous pain along with loss of organ and joint function.

3. Hypersensitivity: A hypersensitive immunity can cause serious damage to the body’s own cells. This kind of reaction is usually associated with allergies. Hypersensitivity can lead to grave discomfort and in some cases lead to death. 

Signs of dysfunctional immunity

• Frequent illness and infection
• Inflammation of the skin or the internal organs
• Low platelet count in the blood or anaemia
• Digestive problems such as loss of appetite, nausea or diarrhoea
• Delayed growth of the body

Associated complications

Complications caused by improper immune function are:

• Autoimmune disorders like Rheumatoid Arthritis or Psoriasis
• Damage to vital organs like the heart, lungs or nervous system
• Retarded growth
• Heightened risk of cancer
• Death from serious infection

What you can do

If you have observed two or more symptoms associated with immune dysfunction, then you should waste no time in visiting a specialised clinic and consult the experts and doctors. Before you go, you can help the doctor in his diagnosis by writing down your symptoms. Remember to take hospital records or medical test reports with you. Make a list of medications which you are taking at present. Do not hesitate to share your family health history, daily diet, general lifestyle and unhealthy habits (like smoking, etc.) with your doctor. This will not only help in swift diagnosis but also shorten the recovery period. 

By Khalid Md. Saifullah
Naturoveda Health World

Note: Being at the forefront of treating chronic diseases, Naturoveda Health World utilises the unique combination of Fundamentals of Ayurveda, Unani and Therapeutic Yoga. These time-tested procedures not just tackle the symptoms, but also eradicate the root cause of the disease. The Naturovedic treatment is completely safe, highly effective and pocket-friendly as well. To contact Naturoveda, call on 1800 258 6666 (Toll free) or WhatsApp at +91 96744 26666.

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Health Secrets For A Happy Winter

                                                                                                                                                                            Winter is such a strange season. It is a time of festivals and holidays, and it is also the time of cough and common cold. You may feel that your body is conspiring against you in a period of such merriment. The sad fact is that the human body becomes prone to diseases like the common cold, dry skin, hair fall or heartburn during the winter months. Nonetheless, there is no need for you to dread the chilly weather – you can take some simple measures in order to stay away from health issues and maintain optimal health. 

Tips for a healthy winter 

1. Stay hygienic: You may not feel like washing up in the cold weather, but this is essential in reducing the risk of suffering from cough or common cold. Wash your hands thoroughly and try to avoid touching your face, especially your nose or mouth. Avoid extremely hot or cold temperature at all costs. Remember not to use unwashed blankets or sweaters. Make sure that your room has adequate ventilation. Drink plenty of water every day and get sound sleep at night. All of these will greatly reduce the risk of catching common cold or chronic cough. 

2. Watch your skin: Skin care is important throughout the year, but it does become crucial during winter. The chilly air has low humidity and temperature, which means that if exposed, your skin quickly becomes dry and appears lifeless. Thus, you need to use a good moisturizer daily, especially before going outside into the cold. This will help keep the moisture locked in the skin and give you a radiant look. Try to use a moderate sunscreen lotion of at least SPF 15. To keep your lips from becoming chapped, use a lip balm or moisturizer regularly.

3. Care for your hair: During the winter season, the hair strands and the scalp lose a lot of their natural moisture. This makes your hair fragile and prone to breakage. Apply coconut oil on your hair and scalp at least three days a week. This will keep your hair safe from split ends. Try not to use the shampoo every single day. Keep a gap of 2 days between each shampoo session. Don’t forget to use a conditioner along with the shampoo to keep the hair well moisturized.  

4. Eat carefully: Many people suffer from digestive problems like heartburn. The important thing is not to eat less but to eat smart. By all means you can enjoy your favourite food, but make sure that you eat in moderation. Eat only if you feel genuinely hungry, and not when the craving strikes. Try to add a variety of foods in your daily palate, with ample space for fruits, vegetables, lean meat and snacks. Try to restrict fast food as far as possible. 

5. Exercise together: Winter is a great period for mixing with the rest of the family. One way you can transform these meetings into health-boosting activities is by exercising together as a family. Ask your spouse, children and even their grandparents to join you in exercising. Start slowly with just 15 minutes of stretching activities and move gradually to jogging, swimming or walking. This is a great way to strengthen your bones and muscles along with your familial bonds!

By Khalid Md. Saifullah
Naturoveda Health World

Note: Being at the forefront of treating chronic diseases, Naturoveda Health World utilises the unique combination of Fundamentals of Ayurveda, Unani and Therapeutic Yoga. These time-tested procedures not just tackle the symptoms, but also eradicate the root cause of the disease. The Naturovedic treatment is completely safe, highly effective and pocket-friendly as well. To contact Naturoveda, call on 1800 258 6666 (Toll free) or WhatsApp at +91 96744 26666.

Saturday, 7 January 2017

How Does Obesity Affect Bone Density In Adolescents?

                                                                                                                                                                                All of us are guilty of making the wrong food choices. The spicy fragrance of fast food is at times just too tantalizing for even the most resolute amongst us. Thus, it is no surprise that adolescents become easily trapped in a cycle of improper diet and health problems. Such adolescents end up suffering from obesity at a relatively early age. This interferes with their self-image and sets the stage for a host of problems later on in life.

Now, researchers at the Harvard Medical School have discovered a link between obesity among adolescents and bone loss.

The study

The researchers looked at a group of 23 adolescents having obesity with an average age of 17 years and a mean Body Mass Index of 44kg/m2. The participants were put through a 3D HR-pQCT, which is a type of computerized tomography exam that helps accurately determine bone mineral density in the arms and legs. The participants then underwent a Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA) test, in order to find out the exact lean mass and visceral fat mass.

The findings

After extensive tests and observation, the researchers found that high level of visceral fat mass was linked to increased porosity in major bones (like those in the arms and legs). This increased porosity meant that the bones had less bone density than what was normal for that age. The researchers also noted that inadequate muscle mass could also result in reduced flexibility of the body and an overall weakened skeletal structure.

The bottom line: adolescents with obesity tend to suffer from reduced bone strength and degraded skeletal health.

Weight loss tips for adolescents

Obesity can be treated at almost any age. Moreover, adolescents tend to have plenty of energy and free time. Thus, when compared to adults, adolescents have better opportunity to lose unnecessary body fat.

Here are some simple steps that overweight adolescents can try out:

1. Get regular exercise: Just 30 minutes of brisk walking or jogging every day will help you burn calories and reduce the fat concentration. Such energy-intensive activities are essential in fighting Obesity

2. Eat plenty of green vegetables: These food items are packed with energy, vitamins and minerals which the body needs to sustain growth and repair wear-and-tear damage.

3. Drink milk everyday: Plain milk is the easiest way for your body to stock-up on calcium and vitamin D, which are vital for keeping bones strong.

4. Avoid sugary drinks: Stay away from soft drinks or juices if you have obesity. If you want to have something sweet, try honey instead.

5. Cut down on junk food: They add nothing substantial to your body’s daily nutritional requirements. Furthermore, they are full of empty calories which simply increase body weight and worsen the problem of obesity.

By Khalid Md. Saifullah

Note: Being at the forefront of treating chronic diseases, Naturoveda Health World utilises the unique combination of Fundamentals of Ayurveda, Unani and Therapeutic Yoga. These time-tested procedures not just tackle the symptoms, but also eradicate the root cause of the disease. The Naturovedic treatment is completely safe, highly effective and pocket-friendly as well. To contact Naturoveda, call on 1800 258 6666 (Toll free) or WhatsApp at +91 96744 26666.

Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Keep Diabetes Under Control – Through Yoga!

                                                                                                                                                                           What makes Diabetes so alarming is that it sets the stage for other grave health issues. From heart disease to kidney failure, from blindness to sexual inadequacies – Diabetes has the power to severely damage your health and place enormous barriers in undertaking even simple everyday activities. 

Diabetes in India

At present, there are about 7 crore individuals in India who have been diagnosed with Diabetes, and the number is only going to rise in the future. India has the 2nd highest number of Diabetes patients in the world. This puts severe pressure on the country’s healthcare infrastructure and public health. 

Why is Diabetes so rampant in India?

The reasons why Diabetes has reached such proportions in India are twofold: genetic and environmental. The genetic makeup of people in South Asia is highly efficient in retaining energy in the form of fat. Thus, there is a tendency among Asian men and women to develop belly fat, which increases the risk of getting Diabetes. Coupled with the gradual rise in living standards, chronic stress, improper diet, easy access to sugary food and inadequate physical activity, this makes Asia and especially India a hotbed for Diabetes.

Containment is the answer

Researchers around the world are at work today, looking for a cure for Diabetes. Until we discover the ‘silver bullet’ for this disease, we need to find ways to accommodate it in our daily lives so that we can continue to maintain our current standard of living and level of activity. 

In such a scenario, can Yoga help keep Diabetes in check?

How Yoga can help people with Diabetes

There is nothing you can do about your faulty genes. But you can change your lifestyle in order to reduce the impact of Diabetes on your life. Yoga is an ancient discipline which can not only help you combat Diabetes but also revitalise your mind and body so that you too can lead a fulfilling life. 

Yoga practice consists of three parts: Asana, Pranayama and Mudra. These elements work together to help you maintain optimal physical health and mental equanimity. 

Yoga for Diabetes

1. Bhujangasana: This Yogasana is highly effective in keeping Diabetes under control. This posture works on the abdominal area and increases blood circulation and access to fresh oxygen in that region. This allows the organs in the abdomen, especially the pancreas to keep the metabolic process in balance. 

2. Kapal Bhati Pranayama: Also known as ‘Skull Shining Breathing Technique’, this breathing exercise is simple to execute and is highly beneficial for people with Diabetes. This Pranayama stimulates the functioning of the abdominal organs, thus indirectly helping in metabolism.

3. Yoga Mudra: A Mudra is a symbolic gesture made using the fingers. This Mudra is designed to help you attain a calm mental state. It readies you to undertake an extensive period of deep meditation. This will help you to be free from worry and stress caused by Diabetes. 

By Khalid Md. Saifullah
Naturoveda Health World

Note: Being at the forefront of treating chronic diseases, Naturoveda Health World utilises the unique combination of Fundamentals of Ayurveda, Unani and Therapeutic Yoga. These time-tested procedures not just tackle the symptoms, but also eradicate the root cause of the disease. The Naturovedic treatment is completely safe, highly effective and pocket-friendly as well. To contact Naturoveda, call on 1800 258 6666 (Toll free) or WhatsApp at +91 96744 26666.