Friday, 17 March 2017

5 Medicinal Plants To Grow In Your House

                                                                                                                                                                          Growing medicinal plants in your house has multi-dimensional benefits. Irrespective of where you choose to grow them, they can help you get rid of minor ailments to major chronic diseases. Some of the most beneficial medicinal plants that have tremendous use in your day-to-day lives are listed below:

1. Aloe Vera: Popularly known as the King of medicinal plants in Ayurveda, Aloe Vera can protect you from a number of diseases. It is referred to as the succulent plant because it stores water in its fleshy leaves. With an ability to grow and flourish in dry and arid conditions, this plant requires your only minimum care to thrive in your garden. 


  • Has antibiotic, antiseptic and antifungal properties
  • Contains powerful antioxidants that belong to the family of polyphenols
  • Used as topical medicine in healing burns
  • Reduces the building up of dental plaque
  • Helps combat constipation

2. Tulsi: Tulsi or the Holy Basil has been called the Elixir of Life in Ayurvedic practice. Its strong aroma helps to keep the surrounding environment healthy by preventing bacterial growth. 


  • Works as a natural expectorant which can cure cough, common cold and bronchitis
  • Effective in addressing loss of appetite
  • Provides power to fight stress
  • Corrects digestion 
  • Boosts immunity

3. Mint: Scientifically known as mentha, Mint plant has been used for hundreds of years for its medicinal purposes. With more than two dozen species and hundreds of plant variants, products manufactured from Mint base are all over the market.  


  • Improves digestion
  • Keeps mosquitoes away from the house
  • Good for respiration
  • Effective remedy for headache and nausea
  • Soothes skin and provides relief from itching and infection

4. Coriander: Commonly known as dhaniya in the Indian subcontinent, this plant is a common herb in every Indian household. From finding its place as a garnish to being mixed in powder and paste form in different food items, Coriander is widely used. This plant is very easy to grow in the house and has a number of medicinal benefits.


  • Helps in digestion
  • Effective for skin diseases like pimples
  • Acts as a diuretic
  • Good for combating anaemia and irregular menstruation 
  • Moderates blood pressure

5. Fenugreek: According to Ayurveda, Fenugreek is a powerful Vata-Nashak. Alongside having diverse medicinal properties it can be easily cultivated in any season.


  • Balances Vata in the body and increases Pitta, thereby improving appetite
  • Controls hyperlipidaemia
  • Purifies blood
  • Keeps Blood Sugar level in check
  • Resolves haemorrhoids, vomiting and intestinal parasites

By Khalid Md. Saifullah

Note: Being at the forefront of treating chronic diseases, Naturoveda Health World utilises the unique combination of Fundamentals of Ayurveda, Unani and Therapeutic Yoga. These time-tested procedures not just tackle the symptoms, but also eradicate the root cause of the disease. The Naturovedic treatment is completely safe, highly effective and pocket-friendly as well. To contact Naturoveda, call on 1800 258 6666 (Toll free) or WhatsApp at +91 96744 26666.

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Health Facts Which Every Woman Must Know

Mother, teacher, wife, colleague – these are just some of the roles that women play today. As the importance of women grows, their collective health becomes all-the-more vital. No country on earth can flourish if the women languish in ill-health. On the august occasion of International Women’s Day, let us look at some major health problems faced by women and try to find simple solutions.   

Health issues that women face

1. Childhood
During childhood, major issues that affect girls are malnutrition or obesity. Undernourished girls have low immunity and often fall prey to a number of diseases while obese girls also suffer from a lot of health problems.

Foods to be taken to overcome malnutrition:
     ·         Protein-rich foods like fish, meat, eggs and lentils (dal)
     ·         Dairy products like milk, cheese, butter and yogurt
     ·         Foods like dried fruits, whole milk and nuts

Foods that help avoid obesity:
·                 Whole grain cereal which is high in fibre and low in sugar
     ·         Fresh fruits
     ·         Colourful fruits and vegetables

2. Teenage
This is the stage when a girl enters adolescence. It is during this time that she begins her menstrual cycle. This phase is marked by several signs like sudden weakness, loss of appetite and unpredictable mood. Proper diet and rest are necessary for her good health. Teenagers are fitness conscious. They want to stay slim and hence diet. Their idea of dieting equates with fasting. This often leads to anaemia, which can be further aggravated by loss of blood due to menstruation.

What teenage girls need during menstruation:
    ·         Foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids like salmon, anchovies and walnuts
    ·         Calcium-rich and magnesium-rich foods like spinach and dates
    ·         Vitamin C containing foods like oranges and tomatoes
    ·         Whole grains like barley, brown rice and oatmeal
    ·         Fresh seasonal fruits

What to avoid during menstruation:
    ·         Caffeinated drinks
    ·         Fried food
    ·         Red meat
    ·         Sour and salty food like pickles

3. Middle Age
This is the stage when women undergo pre and post menopausal issues. Mood swings, hot flashes, skin dryness, headaches, joint and muscle aches, night sweats and irregular periods mark this stage.

Foods to take:
    ·         High-fibre food like whole wheat bread, cereals, pasta, fresh fruits and vegetables
    ·         Calcium-rich food like dairy products, fish and legumes
    ·         Iron-rich food like green leafy vegetables, meat, eggs, fish and nuts

4. Old Age
Old age is marked by reduced bone strength, the degeneration of which begins with menopause. Brittle bones often result in Osteoporosis in old women thereby increasing the chances of injury and fractures. Osteoarthritis is also a disease that affects women of this age. Memory loss is another prominent illness among ageing women. The situation demands for proper care and regulated eating habit.

Food for old age:
   ·         Fish rich in Omega- 3 like salmon and sardines
   ·         Walnuts
   ·         Dairy products
   ·         Lean meat

Women's health and society

Women play a major role in the household. Therefore, their good health will ensure better health for the entire family. On a larger scale, it will positively impact the society. Women are undertaking prominent roles and are contributing to the country more than ever before. Hence, they should also care for their own health.

By Khalid Md. Saifullah

Note: Being at the forefront of treating chronic diseases, Naturoveda Health World utilises the unique combination of Fundamentals of AyurvedaUnani and Therapeutic Yoga. These time-tested procedures not just tackle the symptoms, but also eradicate the root cause of the disease. The Naturovedic treatment is completely safe, highly effective and pocket-friendly as well. To contact Naturoveda, call on 1800 258 6666 (Toll free) or WhatsApp at +91 96744 26666.

Saturday, 4 March 2017

Fact Or Fake? Tomato Ketchup Contains Blood, Urine & Cocaine

                                                                                                                                                                                The news is viral all over the social media. And if you are trying to find the truth about it, you definitely got to read this.

Media Buzz
A video doing the rounds across the social media claims that an international firm manufactures tomato ketchup using blood, urine and cocaine. Though it is enough to make yourself a promise that you won't ever touch ketchup again, you need to think logically. What is tomato ketchup really made of?

The Argument
An assortment of tomato paste, sweetener, vinegar, seasonings and spices; tomato ketchup is a saviour in terms of adding flavour to the otherwise boring and bland food. If this condiment is at all to be put up for questioning, doesn't it sound rather weird as to how would a ketchup taste if it had urine! The addition of urine in ketchup would definitely affect its taste and flavour. Contrarily, ketchup tastes good and hence, it's taken with all kinds of food items. If at all extra seasoning is added to mask the smell, that would only increase the cost of production.

Incorporation of cocaine would only result in the input cost going higher than the output cost. Thereby, confirming that no company would like to take up a business strategy that involves incurring loss. While arguments have come to the fore, that sometimes tomato ketchup congeals and if or not that is a sign of the product containing blood. This speculation has been well combated with firm answers. Ketchup congeals while cooking, water evaporates from the mix leaving the starch and sugar in the sauce to dry out. This process is very different from coagulation of blood and hence the two can in no way be co-related. 

When England's football manager allowed the return of ketchup in players’ diet ahead of the World Cup, it sure did raise a few eyebrows as to the health benefits associated with it.

Health Benefits of Tomato Ketchup

1. Reduces Blood Cholesterol: A study conducted at the University of Oulu in Finland found that everyday intake of tomato ketchup helps to reduce bad cholesterol in blood, known as Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL). A report on the findings, published in the British Journal of Nutrition said, "The changes we saw can be regarded as significant, considering that the time period was only three weeks and all the volunteers had normal cholesterol levels to start with."

2. Decreases chances of Cancer: Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that is present in tomatoes. It imparts red colour to the fruit. Lycopene helps to protect the body against many types of Cancer. According to a 2002 American study of 47,000 men, "Eating tomato sauce two or more times a week reduces a man’s risk of developing prostate cancer by around 20 per cent".

3. Improves Eyesight: Alongside being high in Vitamin C and low in fat, tomato ketchup contains Vitamin A. The key for a healthy immune system, Vitamin A ensures better vision.

Face the Fact
Honestly speaking, despite the above mentioned benefits, ketchup is loaded with sugar and salt. Thereby, it can be in no way best for health. Moreover, one needs to take tomatoes in a considerably good quantity to reap the above mentioned benefits. Yet, it all together does not say we should abstain from ketchup intake. So, whenever you have craving for ketchup go for it because a balance of everything is good for both your health and taste bud.

By Khalid Md. Saifullah

Note: Being at the forefront of treating chronic diseases, Naturoveda Health World utilises the unique combination of Fundamentals of Ayurveda, Unani and Therapeutic Yoga. These time-tested procedures not just tackle the symptoms, but also eradicate the root cause of the disease. The Naturovedic treatment is completely safe, highly effective and pocket-friendly as well. To contact Naturoveda, call on 1800 258 6666 (Toll free) or WhatsApp at +91 96744 26666.

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Sexual Inadequacies – How Do They Ruin Your Life?

                                                                                                                                                                          Imagine losing something which is one of the greatest sources of pleasure and happiness. Imagine being in a situation where you are unable to keep your marital partner happy, leading to suspicion, worry, ill-will and brooding unhappiness. Sadly, many people don’t need to ‘imagine’ such things. They are suffering from Sexual Inadequacies.

What are sexual inadequacies?

These refer to a set of problems affecting the sexual organs of an individual that interfere with his ability to engage in sexual activities. Such problems affect sexual desire, physical pleasure, stamina, arousal and orgasm. This does not necessarily mean that sexual organs are malfunctioning. In many cases, such issues can be psychosomatic as well. Broadly speaking, Loss of Libido, Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation are the most common sexual inadequacies. 

Loss of Libido

When a person has reduced desire to engage in sexual congress, such a condition is called loss of libido. Persons who have this problem simply don’t have the desire to engage in sexual activities. This can create enormous distrust, frustration and embarrassment in both the partners. The primary cause of this sexual problem is hormonal imbalance, especially in the production of oestrogen or testosterone. 

Erectile Dysfunction

If you have difficulty in getting or maintaining an erection, then you are suffering from Erectile Dysfunction. Damage to the nerves in the penis can reduce the sexual stimulus. In many cases, Diabetes or heart disease can also lead to erectile problems in men. These health problems interfere with the physical mechanisms associated with erection. However, Erectile Dysfunction has a strong psychological aspect to it. Men suffering from this problem are usually beset with worry, stress, embarrassment from past performance failures and feelings of low self-confidence. 

Premature Ejaculation

This sexual problem occurs when the male partner is unable to restrain himself and ejaculates too soon, leading to feelings of dissatisfaction and embarrassment. Like Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation is caused primarily due to psychological issues, although the latest research has unearthed physiological causes as well. 

Who are at risk?

Sexual inadequacies like Loss of Libido, Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation have a higher tendency to affect people with the following conditions:

1. Obesity: People with sexual inadequacies tend to have excess weight, which creates havoc with their self-image and reduces stamina.

2. Diabetes: People suffering from Diabetes have an increased risk of having sexual inadequacies and poor sexual health.

3. Smoking: The harmful chemical in cigarette smoke can gradually begin to interfere with sexual performance and trigger sexual problems.

4. Stress: Problems like Erectile Dysfunction and Loss of Libido can be initiated by chronic stress. 

5. Medications: Certain drugs like anti-depressants are known to reduce libido and degrade sexual performance, if used for a long time.

What you should do

If you feel that your sexual life is in an unsatisfactory state, then you need to consult a specialised sexual health clinic and get expert advice from the experienced doctors. Try to be absolutely honest in answering the questions put before you. You will be asked about your diet, general lifestyle, sexual history, level of exercise and daily routine. This will help the doctors make the correct diagnosis and formulate a plan to eliminate your sexual inadequacies.  

By Khalid Md. Saifullah
Naturoveda Health World

Note: Being at the forefront of treating chronic diseases, Naturoveda Health World utilises the unique combination of Fundamentals of Ayurveda, Unani and Therapeutic Yoga. These time-tested procedures not just tackle the symptoms, but also eradicate the root cause of the disease. The Naturovedic treatment is completely safe, highly effective and pocket-friendly as well. To contact Naturoveda, call on 1800 258 6666 (Toll free) or WhatsApp at +91 96744 26666.