This mechanism must have been really useful in the early human history, when food was scarce. If you don’t know when your next meal is, then having stored fat becomes crucial to survival. But in the modern era, food is plentiful and easy to procure. Hard physical labour is no longer mandatory. This means that the body is impelled to store more and more energy in the form of fat, leading to obesity. Fat, our old friend, has become our foe!
Important facts about Obesity
• The occurrence of obesity has doubled since 1980.
• About 2 billion adults are overweight. Among them, over 600 million suffer from obesity.
• 39% of adults are overweight in 2014, and 13% of them are obese.
• 41 million children under the age of 5 are known to be overweight or borderline obese.
• Obese people are at high risk of suffering from Diabetes, Hypertension, Heart disease, Osteoarthritis and even Depression.
Difference between being overweight and obese
If you weigh more than what is considered normal for your height, age and gender, then you are overweight. However, if your Body Mass Index (BMI) is 30 or above, then you are obese. While excess weight is merely a condition, Obesity is classified by doctors as a disease. Being overweight greatly increases the risk of becoming obese.
Common symptoms of Obesity
• Your clothes feel tight and no longer fit well.
• Even minor physical activity irritates you.
• You become easily tired.
• The waistline is gradually expanding.
• Body Mass Index is 30 or above.
What causes Obesity?
1. Genetics: Some people are genetically predisposed to gaining weight. This makes them more vulnerable to obesity.
2. Inadequate physical activity: If you don’t take part in energy-intensive activities like walking, jogging or swimming, then your body has no other option other than to store the excess calories in the form of fat.
3. Junk food: Regular consumption of such food tends to heighten the risk of becoming obese.
4. Binge eating: Having a habit of eating large quantities of food during and in between meals forces the body to increase fat production.
5. Insulin resistance: This hormone tells the fat cells to store or dump fat content. If the cells develop a resistance to insulin, then the fat cells may end up storing larger and larger amounts of fat.
6. Excess sugar intake: If your daily diet has high concentration of sugar, then it gradually changes the biochemical composition of your body. This may speed up the storage of fat.
How to fight Obesity
1. Get regular exercise: Simple aerobic exercises for 30 minutes daily can slowly but surely reduce your weight and normalize your BMI. You will end up with stronger bones and muscles along with a better overall physique.
2. Drink enough water: This will boost your metabolism while reducing the urge to eat more. Just 1 glass of water taken 30 minutes before a meal reduces calorie intake and helps in weight loss.
3. Take green tea: Just 3 cups of green tea per day are known to boost metabolism while gradually reducing weight. Green tea is rich in powerful anti-oxidants like catechins which help in burning fat.
4. Reduce sugar consumption: If you want to lose weight, you have to reduce your sugar intake. You can try out many kinds of sugar substitutes (like honey) to slowly replace sugar from your diet.
5. Limit carbohydrate intake: Eating less carbohydrate-rich foods can help you lose weight faster. It will also help improve your health by reducing your dependence on carbohydrates.
6. Eat green vegetables: One of the easiest ways to improve your general health is to eat fresh, minimally processed green leafy vegetables like cabbage and spinach. They will supply your body with most of the essential nutrients and reduce the urge to eat junk food.
By Khalid Md. Saifullah
Naturoveda Health World
Note: Being at the forefront of treating chronic diseases, Naturoveda Health World utilises the unique combination of Fundamentals of Ayurveda, Unani and Therapeutic Yoga. These time-tested procedures not just tackle the symptoms, but also eradicate the root cause of the disease. The Naturovedic treatment is completely safe, highly effective and pocket-friendly as well. To contact Naturoveda, call on 1800 258 6666 (Toll free) or WhatsApp at +91 96744 26666.
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